I don’t care if MARCH starts AND ends like a lion, or settles down like a lamb! Regardless, it’s just NOT one of my favorite months. So, my March-Antidote is Color + Sparkle. Colorful Sparkling Jewelry (with Diamonds) easily lifts my spirits, despite any surprising cold and stormy March winds. So, bring it on ..Lions, Lambs and Sparkle! I’m ready.

By now you have that proverb on top of mind: “In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb” …But, there is another proverb that references the month of March:
“March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers” Â
I actually love April and the showers that come with it. As for the flowers’ arrival in May, I am NOT waiting! Flowers make us feel better all year long. My favoriates, of course, are bejeweled. LOL Did you notice that Flower on my coat?
Introducing my DAHLIA BROOCH by Gumuchian, with Pink Diamonds, Colorless Diamonds and an Eggplant Pearl all designed in  Platinum and 18K Rose Gold.  Â
March will have lots of winds…and mood swings. Not me; should you see me on the streets of NY, (or on a flight of grand stairs, LOL) I will likely be holding some fresh cut flowers with a smile on my face.Â
Of course, I will also be wearing some colorful Sparkle.
All of that Sparkle is courtesy of  a pair of Platinum, Diamond and Pink Sapphire “TROIKA”” Earrings, complimented  with  with a Platinum 7-stone Diamond and Sapphire “Twinset” Band… GUMUCHIAN JEWELRY, by women and for women