This year is even more exciting. I will be the Opening Keynote Speaker at JCK Tucson on Monday, February 3, 2014 bright and early at 8:15 am …just in time for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 9:15 am.  If you are in the industry, I hope you join me and  here’s a link for you to register http://tucson.jckonline.com/Show-Info/About-the-Show/ÂCENTURION PHOENIX
Later,  if you are invited to attend or exhibit at the Centurion Jewelry Show in Phoenix… I will catch-up with  you there. Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss remarks by BILL CLINTON there Tuesday evening, February 4th.  http://news.centurionjewelry.com/articles/view/centurion-2014-welcomes-bill-clinton-as-keynote-speaker
If you are not in the jewelry industry, but you love gems, love jewelry or you are Rock Hound,  I do  look forward to seeing you as I journey around Tucson! This is one of my annual Sparkle hunts…and I  also make time to chat about gems and jewels! I am not shy and I’m always eager to make new friends who love jewels and jewelry…so don’t be surprised if I start talking to you, stranger. BTW:  The Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, also known as the “Main Show” is held at the Tucson Convention Center and it is worth the trip http://www.tgms.org/tgms/ This year is their 60th Anniversary….their Diamond Anniversary, which they will expand to celebrate their 60 YEARS OF DIAMONDS GEMS, SILVER & GOLD! Here is a link to a video that explain the experience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSGUOUiSBLA