One of the best things about being in the city this summer is the opportunity for a fun schedule ….of work and outdoor play before lunch time.  In NYC,  I am usually dressed in a suit for work, so any playful Splish, Splash & Sparkle usually takes place near one of the city’s fountains… like this one at Rock Center.

Today,  I started early with a workshop presentation at the Cornell Club….for a group of great Jewelry Manufactures. Then, I was ready for a walk to the nearby Rock Center.

Before leaving, I made time to muse under the magical firefly. Feeling the Sparkle that bejeweled my ears, décolleté and hands, I paused in gratitude for my #BlessedLife !
 The Sparkle
The entire diamond Jewelry suite (Pendant, Ring & Earrings) will soon be available  (NOT TODAY, SORRY) on-line at …just enter “ Colors Of Diamonds ” in the search box.  PREVIEW: The Diamond Earrings will be offered (in 4 Colors of Diamonds)  as a SPECIAL during the full day of amazing jewelry values and summer  CLEARANCE on August 31st. TUNE IN!