If I say “Sparkle” and “Vegas” in the same sentence, no one is surprised….but if  I use the word “substance”, well let’s just say that it’s rare to hear (or see in print) that word anywhere near a mention of the City of Lights or Sin City. Nevertheless, my ten days at the largest shopping event for the jewelry industry…. were all about Vegas Sparkle AND Substance!
Keynote Sparkle
I was  honored to kick-off the sparkle-marathon with the Keynote for the jewelry show, LUXURY by JCK. During the first three days of Vegas Jewelry Week, the LUXURY SHOW is an invitation-only show for Luxury Retailers. My keynote presentation on day-one was definitely Sparkling, because I was wearing an amazing Diamond necklace that is valued more than …$1 million dollars! (Work, work work…. yes, this is my job!) It was RAHAMINOV who graced my neck with the magnificent diamonds. They are a supplier of rare, white and fancy color diamonds with exquisite cuts… for the most exclusive LUXURY jewelry retailers in the world.More Sparkle …Close-up

Wearing a Fire Stone ring from Anita Sondore

DiamondEarrings by Armandani

TAKAT adorned my décolleté at the LUXURY Retailer of the Awards Celebration
Then, I couldn’t stop layering on the amazing MASTOLONI Pearls… A woman can never have too many Diamonds or Pearls!
 And o
h, Yes…The Substance!
Three days after my keynote, the LUXURY show opened its doors to all the retailers who were in town for JCK VEGAS, the Greatest Show on Earth (i.e. Greatest JEWELRY SHOPPING SHOW ….for the industry.) The JCK conference program “JCK Talks” provided the substance between the continuing seduction of sparkle.   Now, you know that I love being courted by Sparkle (especially the sparkle of Diamonds), but I was so thrilled to see the standing-room-only crowds, the social media buzz and the overall excitement that surrounded the JCK Talks programs. From the opening presentation “Best of the Best“, when I shared the stage with other industry educators, to the presentation entitled:  “The Power of Blogging“, during which I served as the host-blogger for a panel of  bloggers…I loved participating in the conference, almost as much as I enjoyed curating the total conference curriculum. The overall program  was designed around the theme “Redesigning Retail”… and all of the presentations focused on how Retailers could innovate the shopping experience for women. Maybe I should say “consumers” instead of “women” in that previous sentence, but let’s face it: women are the majority of jewelry shoppers.
PS One of the Bloggers (that shared the stage with me) writes for the industry, but the other three Bloggers love and/or collect jewelry (like you) and they also write for women like you! Take a look:
- Gem Gossip …is my Girl Crush and you MUST take a look! Danielle visits jewelry stores throughout the US and shares great pics along with her  interviews of jewelry designers and jewelers..
- Idazzle …has a beautifully cultivated aesthetic point-of-view and she features artisan jewelry designers. Monica also has a showroom in Seattle (open by appointment only) and her curated jewelry is a little edgy and totally modern.
- Katerina Perez… is based in London, born in Russia, and I was so honored that she took time from her travels to join me on stage. Katerina is a professional blogger…… meaning YES, she is so influential, that jewelers and designer brands pay her to write about their jewels; that is how she makes her living (She has the ultimate DREAM job!)