IT’S A SPARKLING WRAP! The show that I produced and directed for Trenton Catholic Preparatory Academy (TCPA) is over …and it was so much MORE than a planned “Giving Back” Project.
Like many of you know, giving back is GOOD for business. For example: working in the Diamond Industry for many years, I quickly learned that “giving back” is a great way to promote one’s services/products, while at the same time, experience the pleasurable sense of helping others. That experience led me to serve years on the executive board of the WJA, responsible for fundraising…showing the way for other businesses. THIS INITIATIVE WAS DIFFERENT. I chose to work with middle school students (aged 12 to 15) to produce a show…just for the fun of it. Those of you who know me, know how I love the stage (and TV or basically any audience, LOL) Plus, anyone that attended any diamond industry event, also know that I love to dance (all night long, usually). So, I wrote a show about life at TCPA complete with lots of singing and dancing …and lots of opportunities for 36 kids to experience my LOVE of performing while delivering meaningful messages.
The Show Performance
Singing in the Rain at TCPA was a SPARKLING SUCCESS, as the Drama Club performed like superstars, singing and dancing to a full house! It was so moving to watch this group of middle school students put their heart and soul into their performances…with so much joy and laughter! It was amazing, because the recent rehearsals were not exactly smooth, LOL In the end, the kids rose to the occasion to create memories they won’t soon forget. They also shared messages about their FAITH and their SPIRIT, while sharing their Points of View re: their life at TCPA.

This event could not have happened without all of the support of friends who purchased program ads like La Dolce Vita Ristorante in Belmar, NJ and Outback Steakhouse, in Hamilton, NJ …and some other local businesses, too. Of course, what’s a performance without a bit of real drama! Yes, I had a small crises in the midnight hour! Luckily, my crises was averted by friends of my friends. One noteworthy chain of friendship started with Pat (one of the owners of Bar Anticipation), who’s friend Kevin, introduced me to his friend Gerry, who found me the 16 wireless lav microphones that I needed. It’s so good to have good friends!

The most important contribution was probably our great DJ, Chris Leed…who was also our sound guru with the patience of a saint. I mentioned these kids were age 12 to 15, right? He also owns the party entertainment service company Class Kills.

Finally, I need to give a shout out to several teachers (i.e. TCPA Faculty) whose support was critical and invaluable: N, Sensi, P. Snyder, N. Schwinger ,D Marrou, and the Lower School Director, Anne Reap (who is amazing, BTW)!

As I think back on the experience, which included months of working after school hours with 36 kids at once (That’s a lot, by the way.), watching tic-tok for hours to choose popular dances (That I had to learn & then teach the kids, LOL.) writing the script, ensuring scenery production, (That could be a blog in itself, ugh!), choosing popular songs (Songs with lyrics appropriate for a Catholic School – yikes!), plus the financial hit….in the end, what comes to mind is a quote from Mother Teresa:
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.“
Thanks to all who made this act of love possible –It was so much FUN & I loved every moment of it!